Friday 5 February 2010

days six to nine of holly lisle’s one-pass revision method

The revision train has hit a wall. Two walls, in fact. Firstly, the backstory has gaping holes and secondly, there is a giant 4000-word derailment in the middle of my battle sequence which requires major plot rewiring.

I’m actually kind of relieved. When everything was running smoothly I was imagining all sorts of ninja stealth disasters lying in wait for me. These are completely fixable.

Still madly in love with this kickass novel.


  1. Backstory holes are plaguing me at the moment too. Thankfully someone's given me a kick in the pants about them.

  2. Kicks in the pants certainly help ;) And I'm glad you seem to have found something wrong with this novel since you've been fretting about that from the beginning. Here's me eagerly awaiting beta chapters filling my inbox ;)
